Holistic Spring Cleaning for Your Wellness

Dr. Nichelle Pacia NMD @ True Health & Wellness Ctr, LLC.

Naturopathic Medicine


Naturopathic medicine views endometriosis as a multifactorial condition influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, immune, environmental, and lifestyle factors. While the exact cause of endometriosis remains unclear, several contributing factors are often considered from a naturopathic perspective:

Hormonal Imbalance: Naturopathic physicians recognize hormonal imbalance, particularly estrogen dominance, as a significant contributing factor to the development and progression of endometriosis. Excess estrogen levels relative to progesterone may promote the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. We do offer functional lab tests for your hormonal wellness.

Immune Dysfunction: Dysregulation of the immune system is believed to play a role in the development of endometriosis. Naturopathic medicine aims to support immune function and modulate inflammation to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with endometriosis. Functional lab work such as Food Sensitivities, and our Gut Zoomer tests are available for immune sensitivities to food and reactions to pathogenic microbes in your body.

Genetic Predisposition: While not fully understood, there may be a genetic component to endometriosis. Naturopathic physicians consider the genetic predisposition of individuals with endometriosis and focus on supporting genetic expression through lifestyle modifications and targeted therapies. Functional genetic tests are available such as the MTHFR test.

Environmental Toxins: Exposure to environmental toxins, such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in plastics, pesticides, and personal care products, is believed to contribute to hormonal imbalance and increase the risk of endometriosis. Naturopathic medicine emphasizes minimizing exposure to environmental toxins and supporting detoxification pathways to reduce the burden on the body using comprehensive functional lab work such as Heavy metal testings, Mycotoxins tests (for Mold exposure) and allergens.

Chronic Inflammation: Endometriosis is associated with chronic inflammation, which may exacerbate symptoms and contribute to tissue damage. Naturopathic medicine addresses inflammation through dietary modifications, anti-inflammatory herbs, and lifestyle interventions aimed at reducing inflammatory triggers. We do offer functional inflammatory marker tests for your wellness.

Dietary Factors: Naturopathic physicians recognize the role of diet in influencing hormone balance and inflammation, both of which are relevant to endometriosis. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein may help support hormonal balance and reduce inflammation in individuals with endometriosis. Micronutrient Deficiency test is available for your overall intracellular measurement of vitamins and minerals absorption or deficiency needed for optimal health.

Stress and Emotional Factors: Stress and emotional factors can exacerbate symptoms of endometriosis by impacting hormonal balance and immune function. Naturopathic medicine emphasizes stress management techniques such as massage, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, bodywork therapy (reiki, craniosacral therapy )for mind and body well-being and to reduce the impact of stress on endometriosis symptoms.

Lifestyle Factors: Naturopathic medicine recognizes the influence of lifestyle factors such as physical activity, sleep, and environmental stressors on endometriosis. Lifestyle interventions such as our Ultimate Lifestyles Transformation Detoxification, Stress, and Pain Management (Massage, Lympathic Detoxification Drainage) aimed at promoting overall health and well-being may help manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with endometriosis.

Overall, naturopathic medicine takes a comprehensive and individualized approach to addressing the contributing causative factors of endometriosis, with a focus on promoting hormonal balance, supporting immune function, reducing inflammation, minimizing environmental toxins, and addressing lifestyle factors to improve overall health and manage symptoms effectively with our functional tests. We do not guess, we test!


Dr.Nichele Pacia ND is not a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine. Dr. Pacia is a board-certified Naturopathic doctor providing consultations based on naturopathic medicine philosophy and principles. Our information and consultation are not intended to replace or substitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please read the entire website including the Naturopathic Medicine page to better understand our unique approach. MT 122527. * Our products are not evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and for educational purposes only. NH0002

Dr. Nichelle Pacia NMD @ True Health & Wellness Ctr, LLC.

26440 FM 1093
Richmond, TX 77406

(832) 987-4831

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